After the rather exhausting bar exam, our little family took a nice vacation to Ocracoke Island. I have to say that it is probably one of the nicest beaches I have ever been. I am not exagerating.
I am not a beach person (I really prefer going dipping my athletic body in a nice lake with a BIG mountain in the back)so when I say that the place was nice I am not making that up.
Ocracoke is an island part of the Outer Banks archipelago. It's off the North Carolina Coast.
First, you can only get there by a rather small ferry (a 2h30 traversee) which has the very good advantage of limiting the actual number of people that can be there at the same time.
Second, the height of the building is strickly limited. As a result, you don't see those rather ugly 4-5 storeys beach houses/condo that you see on the rest of the Outer Banks.
Third, only the village is open for development, the rest of the Island is Cape Hatteras National Seashore, so there's only you, the ocean, the beaches and the dunes (except some stupid rednecks with their SUV on certain parts of the beach but what can you do, Paradise does not exist on this planet).
So in the end, you have a rather cool place. everybody uses bikes to go around, the shops are nice and the seafood extra-fresh so in other words, all our little family had a fantastic time.
See you there!