We just saw the Al Gore's documentary about Global Warming. It is unbelievable. The documentary is very well set up and presents the issue in a very clear way.
Of course, I was startled when I realized how bad the situation is. I knew, of course that the earth was warming up but I had no idea that It was warming up so fast!
Human activities are clearly the source of it. As I said, It is just unbelievable. The ice is melting at the poles, but extremely quickly. Soon Greenland will have lost all the ice cap that covers it. The risk is of course the impact on the sea levels (a probable elevation of 40 feet) and the effect of the ocean currents that currently regulate the weather and the climate around the earth.
The statistic that really impressed me was the following one: If the ice reverberates around 90% of the heat coming from the sun, once it is melted the ocean absorbs 90 % of it. So there is clearly a very negative path there because not only the ice prevents the warming, but the ocean accelerates it.
What is amazing and as Al Gore puts it in his documentary, the technologies exists to limit our emissions. Of course, the US are behind everyone else in terms of limiting their emissions of green house gazes. I hope that there will be a change with the next administration.
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