Hey it's spring time. One of the coolest things about living in the Southern United States is that the weather is really really nice. It's a very sunny place and Spring arrives early. Yesterday, we had 24 degrees in the shade.
One of the cool things about where we live is that there are lots of open spaces. Natural parks, gardens are in abundance.
Of course, there is a beautiful botanical garden at Duke. It's called the Sarah P. Duke Gardens. The garden dates back to the foundation of the University when Sarah P. Duke, a widow of one of the founders of the University, was convinced by one of her friends to sponsor the creation of a fantastic garden on the grounds of the University.
The garden is divided into four major parts: the original Terraces and their immediate surroundings, the H.L. Blomquist Garden of Native Plants (a representation of the flora of the southeastern United States), the William L. Culberson Asiatic Arboretum (devoted to plants of eastern Asia), and the Doris Duke Center Gardens.
My favorites are the Asian arboretum and the terraces.
Of course,it is a good time to visit the gardens at this time of the year because all the flowers are blooming.
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