I am really happy about the results reached at the Brussels Meeting regarding the future of the European Union. Apparently, the 27 members have reached an agreement on a formula that would allow the European Construction to go forward.
I had to say that I was disappointed with the Polish position that was blocking everything. The EU accepted Poland a couple of years ago and since then this country has only brought problems to the EU: Nationalism, racism, ultra conservative positions etc... Honestly, I am a great euro-enthousiast but I feel that I have nothing to do with the values this country has brought to the western countries of Europe.
I really don't understand why do you want to join a club if it is only to oppose everything the other members are trying to do.
Ok, French people were really dumb when they rejected the EU Constitution, but at least we were not actively trying to block the other members.
This agreement is a minima but I personally believe that it is still a great victory for Europe.
Regarding the way our new President conducted the negotiations, I tend to think that he did a great job. Comparing with Chirac, which was not capable to understand how Europe worked and had only in its mind the interests of the farmers' lobbies and nothing else, Sarkozy has so far demonstrated that he was capable to conduct marathon negotiations involving different types of participants, interests groups and cultures.
Bottom line, I am really happy with the conclusion of this agreement.